Beat the bookies! Tips posted every week before the value goes!
TPC Scottsdale, Scottsdale, AZ
VidantaWorld, Vallarta, MEX.
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
Hi and many thanks for taking the time to visit this website.
So a little bit about me and the aim of this site.
I am a middle aged guy [real name Martin as opposed to Sundog!] who has always loved golf.
Before anyone asks my own golf game to put it bluntly is pretty crap! [I play of 24 on any society day etc I ever play on]. I have though always loved the sport as a spectacle and been fascinated by all sides of it, whether that be the skillsets required to play the game, the mental challenges/demons you find a player battling on the back nine on Sunday, or simply the fresh air, peace and quiet and views you can get walking around the course.
Following on from this I have been betting on Golf for as long as I can remember. Somewhere over the years I have evolved from being a golf punter who would glance at the Racing Post on a Wednesday and pick a couple of players for ‘interests sake’ to someone who started keeping a record of their profit/loss, as well as collating course and player data and studying the next week’s field in advance etc.
After all there’s nothing better than watching a player win for you after you backed them, based on a hunch, when you read that they love to play this event as their Granny used to live up the road and they went to the tournament a lot as a kid etc, etc.
Over the years like all golf punters I’ve had my ups and downs and as anyone who bets on Golf will know due to the nature of the size of the fields and the prices you’re looking to win at you can easily find yourself going 2 or 3 months without any return. However I can say with a certainty my ‘ups’ have far outweighed the ‘downs’ over the years, with many more profitable seasons than losing one’s since I started to keep records and those that have followed my weekly tips on the Betfair Forum for the past couple of years and more recently on Twitter will know that as I write I am showing a healthy profit over this time.
I have focused on the PGA Tour over the years from a betting perspective simply because it was easier to follow and watch in the evenings than the European Tour in the daytime and with work restraints I just didn’t have the time to study two tours/events every week.
So why start a website now and to what purpose? Well, the ‘why’ is easily answered. It’s something I’ve always thought about doing but I am fortunate enough now to have a bit more time available to actually do it!
As for the purpose, well simply put I love golf, enjoy talking/writing about it and hopefully I can help people make a few quid!
Every week, usually on the Monday evening before the event, I will post my PGA tour tips for the week. My historical profit/loss data will then subsequently be shown on the linked page.
In addition to posting tips I will make my best efforts on posting a topical golf blog or betting info piece on the golfing world when I can. Be warned though I have no previous journalistic skills/experience so please bare this in mind and go gently with me with your constructive criticism!
So finally a big thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you enjoy the site…and of course back many winners as a result of being here!